Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Leopard Gecko

Leopard Geckos make great pets they are good for beginners. They don't need much. They are tame,  you feed them mill worms which isn't very expensive, also the have a very basic setup. All they need is the following items. Ten Gallon tank, heating pad, sand, and a little decor such as a rock hide. With all of the following items you will be good to go...BUT! Leopard Gecko's aren't just your average lizard. Their tails are special so if you were to tug or pull on their tail then it would fall off. This is because if something in the wild is chasing them and it grabs on to their tail, the geckos will drop their tail so the thing chasing them will get their tail and the leopard gecko will get away. They can regrow their tails but the grow into a nub.

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